Virtual Miscommunication: 3 Important Tips to Help Avoid Improper Netiquette

by Aug 31, 2015Language and Culture

Alejandra Fonseca

Reading body language and vocal intonation are among the most important things we learn growing up, and as adults, we eventually know how to interpret what another person is feeling when we converse with them. We do this with family members, friends, and colleagues, and it helps us to decide what we are going say and how we will deliver it. However, in this day and age, the online world has become a dominant factor in daily life. From desktops to smart phones, we tend to speak with many of our family and friends online, not only because it’s easy and convenient, but also because it seems fun.

However, what about body language and tone? Whereas it is generally easy to gauge a person’s tone and mood in person, virtual communication involves faceless texts and emails that leave little room for interpretation. This is the reason why virtual miscommunication is so common. Nonetheless, this can be minimized if you are careful, and here are some tips for exercising proper netiquette.

  1. Online relationships and conversations deserve the same respect as their offline counterparts. This is one of the most important tips to remember, because it helps provide the proper perspective when conversing with someone online. Many people think that just because the internet is huge and “free,” they can say whatever they like – and while that is true, the side effect can be miscommunication and even arguments. Empathy is incredibly important, especially online, and respect is an ideal starting point for keeping relationships healthy and beneficial.
  1. Be as forgiving of miscommunication as you can be. This one is directly tied to the first tip because people often treat online conversations differently than face-to-face ones. Some people say things online that they would never say to a person who was in the same room. While this does not necessarily mean that you should be falsely polite, you should show a degree of tolerance and understanding, since miscommunication can happen all too often.
  1. Emoticons can function as ersatz body language. Emoticons, such as smiley faces, may seem to be cute, pointless additions, but they can help clarify a writer’s tone and make it easier to talk to someone in general. You can even add a laugh or something at the end of your sentence, just to make sure that the recipient knows you’re only joking. As this reveals, you need to make use of everything in your online arsenal to make sure that the person you are talking to doesn’t misconstrue your comments and take offense.

The art of online conversation definitely is not perfect, but there are plenty of ways to improve the experience if you know where to look. With a dash of empathy and a bit of ingenuity, you’ll be able to communicate with a person online as well as you would if you were in the same room. All it takes is a little bit of practice.

Image credit: World balloon taken by Steve block under Public Domain.

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