How Do Great Leaders Inspire?

by Jul 16, 2014Leadership and Management

Alejandra Fonseca

In every course of action there is a desired reaction. How do leaders inspire people to get them to act?

In small offices and large companies there are leaders who are very effective at inspiring people into action and there are some that are in a position to lead but cannot. Just what is the secret of a true leader, someone that inspires others?

Simon O. Sinek

Simon O. Sinek, motivational speaker and author has popularized the concept of Start with Why and the golden circle, which, according to the description of, is [sic] a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership. According to Sinek, leaders inspire action through a “naturally occurring pattern, grounded in the biology of human decision-making.”

The basic principles

Some of the basic questions that need to be answered include how to explain when things do not go as planned and how one can explain where a person was able to do things that you did not expect.

In more concrete terms, Apple is so innovative. But why is this so. It is a computer company like many others in the same level. Why are they different when just like other companies they have access to consultants, media and talent? Martin Luther King was able to lead the movement for civil rights when he was not the only one that tried.

According to Sinek, there is a pattern to this, which is, that all the inspiring organizations and leaders around the world communicate, act and think in the same way that is the complete opposite to how other people do it. Sinek calls it the Golden Circle.

Based on his research and his talks, Sinek says that every organization knows what it does and some know how they do it but very few companies know why they are doing what they do, which is the cause, belief or purpose of the company, rather than the profit.

Again, taking Apple as an example, he said the company thinks differently. Instead of saying that they have very good computers that are well designed and easy to use, their leaders communicate to their staff that they must think differently because they are challenging the status quo. They instill in their people the belief that people buy any of their products for the reason that they made it, not because the product is what the company produces.

Choosing the right people

Part of achieving the goal is to hire the right people, not the people that need a job but people that believe in what the company or the leaders believe. This is because if you do the former, you will get people that will work for the money you pay them. Whereas if it is the latter, you will be getting people that will to their best to achieve your goal.

Just like what Dr. Martin Luther King said in his inspirational speech – he had a dream. He did not say that he had a plan. He told the people of America what he believed in. He did not tell them what must be done to make a change. And people believed in what Martin Luther King believed. They took it as their own, and they spread the word.

In everyday life, you will encounter many leaders, and you will also encounter individuals who truly lead, someone who may not hold a position of authority or power, but someone who inspires people and organizations. They are people that you follow because you want to, not someone you have to follow because of their position.

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